Quote of the week - Mark's Story...
Mark's story....About 8 months ago Mark came to the Bristol North West Foodbank outlet in Lawrence Weston. He was in a very low mental state which had meant he'd had to stop working. All of his money had been stolen whilst he was in this vulnerable condition.
Mark came in to see us this morning - a new person. He is now back to work and back on his feet. This is what he wanted to say,
" I can't find words to explain how important the Foodbank was to me It wasn't just the food, it was actually finding people who would care and listen to you. It's obviously when you sit down and think about it after, it's the people that work in the Foodbank are as important as the food. Without Foodbank, I'd have had no electric, no food, no company, no contact, no-one to sit and listen and relate to me. I looked forward to seeing the people that were down there. I've come in today because I wanted to say I'm so grateful. If it wasn't for Foodbank, I wouldn't be back on my feet. I want people to know who read this that they can get back on their feet, and there are people who will listen. I would recommend you to come to a Foodbank if you need help."
Photo of Mark with one of our volunteers when he came in this morning.